Wednesday 18 November 2009

The Good, The Bad and The Wicked

The amazing thing about living with a musician is all the contacts I can feed off. This may sound like I’m a leech in a human’s body but to be honest that is just scientifically impossible! Leah has a phonebook full of some very impressive people and could quite easily sell for a lot of money on eBay. However, on this cold and grim winter’s night she received a message from Claire. I have never met Claire and to be honest I’m not entirely sure how she and Leah met but Claire is a goddess.

This evening Leah and I went to see Wicked the Musical-for free. Claire happens to work at the Apollo Theatre in Victoria and managed to get us 3 free tickets to this evening’s performance. We were informed at very short notice but this was not going to stop us. We literally ran to the theatre, which happens to be a 10 minute walk from flaty, and got there a few seconds before the last call to sit was made.

I should probably say this now. I love any live music experience; this includes musicals and I am a complete sucker for them. To me they are the next best thing to gigs, concerts and festivals. To be able to sit in the audience and see a live performance is something that blows me away every time.

Most people see a musical once, maybe twice if they’re lucky. I, on the other hand, have seen Wicked a grand total of three times. Yes, that’s right, three times. Some of you may think this is silly and that I should broaden my horizons but those of you who think this are the small minded ones and you have obviously not had the Wicked experience thrown at you.

The first time I saw Wicked I was speechless. The second time I thought I had reached nirvana. Now having just been for the third time I’m starting to believe that I could potentially be part of the chorus! It’s a show that defies gravity and takes the musical experience to a whole new level.
Time for the important stuff. The singing. I have come to the conclusion that only one word can describe it- Wow. The part of Elphaba is played by Alexia Khadime, who has to be one of the most talented singers I have ever heard. Her range is incredible and her stage presence is one of a kind. Khadime managed to somehow paranormally wrap her voice around me and I can still hear her voice echoing in my head. I’m not sure if it’s because it was genuinely cold in the theatre but every song managed to give me chills down my spine.

The two women who play the leading roles of Elphaba and Glinda have a very obvious connection which shines through during their duets. Every song is performed perfectly and any mistakes that are made are quickly covered up so they are not apparent to the audience.

Wicked started out as a musical on Broadway in New York and after some time it made its way across the pond to London, England. I have never seen the original production of Wicked with the American cast, but having seen the English performance three times and listened to the soundtrack that uses the American cast I think it is fair to say that the British version is better. I am not saying this to be rude and I am not being bias, I am just speaking the truth. When I’m listening to the soundtrack and a small speaking part comes up I feel like I’m hearing a clip from a Disney film. This is not something someone wants to think, especially when it comes to music. Yes, Disney songs are very catchy and always seem to be hits with the children, but I am not a child and a song does not have to be sung by a woman with a very high pitched, squeaky voice! The American cast has somehow managed to transform a Broadway production into a commercial and pop-esque show.

Wicked the Musical has been a growing sensation ever since it made its debut over here in London. There are not many things to do in London that will truly be a night to remember. You can go anywhere in the world to have a nice meal, a drink at a pub or even a visit to a museum but only in London can you see the spectacular production that will let you escape from reality just for one night.

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