Saturday 4 December 2010

Uni Schmuni

University is often thought to be the mandatory option to take as it will, apparently, help mature and blossom teenagers into young adults. This is not necessarily the case. I don’t think the word ‘mature’ can be defined as getting drunk off Sainsbury’s basics vodka, doing a tactical chunder and then waking up with the world’s worst hangover, only to have to go to lectures at 9am.

In all honesty this sounds like my worst nightmare. Why would someone voluntarily choose to spend their night in some smelly club surrounded by sweaty students who all look like they’ve never had a drink before? What’s wrong with your good old local?

Not all students decide to behave like this and it is unfair on us as we still get labelled as threatening ‘youths’ by the older generations. Most students are between the ages of 18-21 which means legally we can be classified as adults who have the right to make decisions, like who to vote for to run our country. In spite of this why do so many older adults continue being patronising and treating us as if we’re still untrustworthy children? Is it because all students have this behaviour innately built into them or is it the university who is imposing this type of conduct onto us?

Perhaps this is just the rowdy, pessimistic side of me talking, but university is definitely not all that it is geared up to be. Does anyone still use any of the knowledge they learnt from going onto higher education? A few bright sparks may learn how to be more organised, but this is hard to achieve if the organisation you attend is unable to accomplish this themselves.

The only real thing people take from university is a piece of paper that says you have a degree and perhaps liver failure.

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